First Impressions | Berlin

No I haven’t been up to nothing in the last few weeks, but I’m finally at a destination I haven’t been to before. It was a quick decision, but a good one. I planned my trip five days before departure and in a few hours which was intense. Luckily all the pressure and planning paid off cause I’m currently in Berlin.

It took me a bus, train and airplane to get here so I had a rather exhausting day.  Upon arriving it took some time to get to the hostel. The transport system (metro) was a bit comical at first because they looked like they were made for transportation in a zoo or amusement park. However they did have character. The trip from the airport to the centre of Berlin – where my hostel is located -  took about half an hour which meant seeing a bit more of Berlin. The buildings and areas we passed were quite secluded and looked forlorn. Buildings were basically made of graffiti, making the dull areas look a lot less dull. I was in awe at how the people moved around, each with a significant purpose.

While on the topic of people, I should say that they diversity was very refreshing. Not only were the races diverse, but also the fashion. I’ve heard about Berlin fashion and Googled it, but seeing it n real life was quite different. People seemed to dress in all types of clothing. Yes, people dress differently everywhere, but too me in Berlin it was more highlighted. I wasn’t able to capture these fashionable outfits; but a simple Google search will broaden your style horizons.

When I finally arrived at the hostel I was in zombie mode so I did the most obvious thing and slept. When I woke up it was around eight so I went for an evening walk. I found the costume shop I wanted to visit and was not disappointed. I did some window shopping and enjoyed the Berlin air. So far the city has been great so I suspect the rest will be even better!


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