Pieces Of | Antwerp

I travelled to Antwerp Saturday afternoon to attend a vegan meet up, but seeing as the event would only start the evening I decided to do some exploring. My first impression was ‘wow’ because Antwerp has the most beautiful and magnificent train station.

As soon as I stepped out I joined the enormous stream of shoppers. The sales were making people leave their houses and enter the streets of Antwerp. Mostly because Antwerp is known as a shopping city and it became more apparent when I saw the variety and quantity of shops. I followed the stream of people for about twenty minutes before I could finally relax and not worry about bumping into anyone. From there on I navigated by looking at tower tops and busy streets.

There weren’t as many people at the more touristic sites as I was expecting. It was quite convenient because it wasn’t so crowded so I could move around freely. My favourite place in the city (so far) was the castle, Het Steen, and after hearing about the mythology behind it I liked it even more. It was small but full of character. Inside was a spacious modern restaurant where I drank some tea. If I lived in Antwerp I would probably visit every second week.

The rest of Antwerp was just as beautiful and unique. I know for a fact I haven’t even seen half of everything but it only gives me a reason to visit again. 


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