FACTS Spring Addition | Saturday | 2016

After the epic experience at FACTS last year I didn't hesitate when I heard there would be a spring addition. The same FACTS - just in spring. My friend and I bought our tickets online to make sure we got tickets. Unfortunately everyone bought tickets online so there ended up being a very very very long line for those that already had tickets. The line for those that didn't was short, extremely short. After quite some time in line we exited the building to enter the next one where FACTS was taking place. 

We were greeted by a model of the FACTS icon then entered the main hall which was packed with people and stalls. Everything was very well located and organised. There was so much to see and due. We went to a colouring workshop, which was not quite what we were expecting. Instead of actual colouring we were shown how to layer colour on Photoshop. It was still interesting but not very useful. Afterwards we joined a panel cosplay 101 which was hosted by a Belgium cosplayer. It was very informative and I now feel more confident and inspire to cosplay more. 

I should also mention that I went as Poison Ivy. I wore it to Comic con Brussels as well, but then I was new to the clothes and everything. So at FACTS I felt more at ease and had way more fun. My friend was dressed as Velma from Scooby Doo, so our colours looked quite good together. There were so many different cosplayers which made the experience more fantastic usual. 

The only unfortunate part is the food stalls. Even though there is a variety it is expensive, so we went to IKEA for a nice place of food. Our afternoon consisted of exploring the entire hall and all it had to offer. Let me just say that it is really hard not to spend money. There is something of everything and I am a sucker for merchandise. It also doesn't help when you have too many fandoms. Luckily I controlled myself to some extent. 


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