Waterloo | Belgium

One of the places I wanted to visit when I knew I was coming to Belgium was Waterloo. The town is located about half an hour from Brussels and the famous Lion Mount is located on a hill surrounded by fields outside of town.

I arrived at the train station on the other side of Waterloo the town. Luckily there was a map to show the road to the tourist office. I usually don’t bother with the tourist office but for this I decided it might be better to have more information on the museum and everything around it. So I walked and walked and finally made it to where there was also more city life. From there I got on a bus and then walked to the mount. I didn’t pay to go into the museum or walk to the top. It was too expensive for something which doesn’t have that much meaning to me.

I was however happy that I didn’t because I ended up walking along the fields and then through it. I spent a lot of time surrounded by fields of corn, spinach and other types of vegetation. It was extremely peaceful. There weren’t a lot of people around which made it even better and at some point I was standing in the field with no people in sight. Just me and nature. The serenity was breathtaking and I wanted to absorb all of it. Unfortunately the ground was more like clay and was wet so I couldn’t sit down; luckily the sun was behind the clouds so I could walk without being baked.

It was well worth all the walking, even just to be surrounded by no buildings cars. Definitely a must see for history lovers and anyone else wanting to see something different than the usually small town architecture.


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