King's Day | Amsterdam | 2016

I have missed Amsterdam so much. I lived there for a year and have been dying to go back ever since I left. On Wednesday I finally went for a visit, but instead of it being relaxing - it was a buzz.  I chose the most eventful day of the year to go back, King's Day. It is one of the greatest celebrations I’ve ever been a part of and being able to celebrate it for a second time was even more awarding.

On Wednesday morning I got up at around five, left the house at seven, waited for a bus for way to long, met a friend at the central station, speed walked to a museum and boarded a bus. Due to being a bit late we weren’t seated next to each other and I ended up sitting next to a guy who happened to be from South Africa as well. It was a very random moment. The trip from Ghent to Amsterdam was three hours through various weather conditions and Afrikaans conversation.  

The plans for the day changed when we made a small group with the South African guy and another friend. We set out through the city in search for music and activity. At first it was very calm, there weren’t as many people as we were expecting, but it soon changed as time went by. We had falafel for lunch at a vegetarian take out place and then headed to the Red Light District were we had some beers and wine while watching Amsterdam thrive.

In the late afternoon we ended up near where I use to live. Honestly, the area was one of the best places to be during King's Day. The streets are packed with people selling their old belongings, live shows with dancing bodies on the canal bridges, boats passing by and orange everywhere. It’s not easy to describe how amazing it was. The vibes were so good; it almost felt like I was stuck in a movie. We drank some beers while dancing on the canal bridge and just enjoyed ourselves. It rained a few times but only for short periods of time so it was still possible to enjoy the weather and the celebration.

We hopped back on the bus around nine while it was still light out. Even though I wanted to stay I was grateful when I could finally sit. A day of walking, drinking and dancing had left me exhausted, but it was worth it. King's day is a day which I think everyone should experience at least once. It’s wonderful to be surrounded by so many people, all happy and celebrating together without any worries. 


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