FACTS 2015 | Day 2

I started my day off being tired. My friend and I had gone out for her birthday the previous night and came home in the early morning. That combined with the previous day at FACTS was not the best combination. Luckily my energy was restored after a bowl of fruit and some tea. I arrived at Flanders Expo before lunch and navigated myself through the crowd...

I met up with another au pair who was a fangirl herself. Even though she was more into Doctor Who and I was more into Game of Thrones, we ended up getting along very well. We took a lot of photos, did some merchandise shopping and went to a Q&A of Christopher Lloyd who played Dr. Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy. It wasn’t such a great Q&A but it was still interesting and worth the time, especially to see a legend in the flesh.

We spent the rest of the day fangirling, talking about fandom’s and exploring. We happened to browse some books when the author started talking to us and sharing what his book was about. Unfortunately his books were in Dutch. Even though I can read Dutch, I prefer English. I did end up buying a book of short stories and he even signed it for me. We also talking about writing and he gave me some tips which made me excited to start editing some of my work.

Day two was just as epic as day one. I enjoyed the convention immensely and will try to go again next year. I suggest a convention to anyone who is part of a fandom. I felt so great to be surrounded by people who liked the same things. It was like being in an entirely different universe – an amazing one. 


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