Louvre, Notre Dame, Shakespeare & Company | Day 2 | PARIS

After going to bed and sleeping a bit late we got ready for the day and ate some breakfast at our hostel. It was an average French breakfast – croissant, French break, orange juice and coffee - but we enjoyed it none the less before heading onto the city.

We decided to do some exploring on our way to the Louvre. It’s fun to walk through historic cities without a map, because you never know where you’re going to end up or what you’ll see along the way. We came across some buildings with interesting architecture. After quite some walking we arrived at the Louvre which was huge and beautiful and a must see. The Louvre hosts some of the most famous art works including the Mona Lisa. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to go into the museum, but I made a mental note to go back one day.

We stopped for some pastries and a break from walking on our way to the Place de la Concorde. We continued down Jardin des Tuleries which was decorated with tourists and sculptures until we arrived at another Christmas market. This market stretched very far and along both sides of the Champs Élysees road. It was a great Christmas markets, with a few different aspects and stalls. We came upon some people selling handmade items where we bought the most beautiful printed postcards. We also happend to cross the  Pond des Arts where which is mostly made out of locks.

Shakespeare & Company was next on the list and is my number one place to see in Paris. The bookshop is old and has so many character that one wants to stay inside forever. The only downside is that there are always tourists and people inside, and because it has such small rooms it’s not always comfortable. That didn’t stop us from exploring the rooms and reading some pages. It is totally worth it to browse through some books and admire the art and uniqueness in each room. Unfortunately I couldn’t film inside so if you want a better picture go Google it.

Next was the Notre Dame and it was quite nice because there was not as many tourists inside as one would expects. The enormity and detail is next level and not always easy to capture on camera. While we were there a ceremony was taking place so we got to hear some beautiful singing and French words.

For dinner we stopped at a vegetarian falafel restaurant. It was a big meal for a small price and we were soon full. We explored some more in the area and bought some interesting pastries before heading back to the hostel.


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